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 Hello everyone, this is God Hand Mar.

 We have just launched Ci-en, which was under consideration when we announced it the other day. However, you cannot use Paypal even if you enter Ci-en's website normally. In this article, we will briefly explain how to support using paypal on Ci-en.

(1) Register for a DLsite account.

*If you have a DLsite account, please skip this part and go to (2).

 a. Go to the DLsite homepage from the following URL.


 b.Click on the symbol ① in the figure and select the language you wish to use.

 c.Please click the mark ② in the figure and proceed to the account registration. Enter the required information to obtain an account.

 d. Once your account registration is complete, you will receive a notification that your user registration is complete. Once you have an account, you will be able to purchase works in DLsite. By the way, here are some of my works that have already been translated into English.



 - Patreon Collection1:


(2) Obtain a Ci-en account

*If you already have a Ci-en account, skip this part and go to (3).

 a. Click on the symbol ③ in the figure to go to the "Ci-en" homepage.

 b. Click on ④ in the figure to select the language you wish to use.

 c. Click ⑤ in the figure to proceed to account registration.

 d. Click ⑥ in the figure to proceed to the initial Ci-en registration. Enter the nickname you will use in Ci-en and complete your account registration. e. Click on the "Register" button to complete your account registration.

 e. Once your account registration is complete, you can check the users who are active in Ci-en.

(3) Purchase DL points.

 a. Please go to the DLpay site from the following URL.


 b.Click on the symbol ⑦ in the figure and select the language you want to use.

 c. Select the points you wish to purchase.

 d. Select Paypal as your payment method.

  *You need 600 points to support God Hand Mar.

 e. Enter your email address and follow the instructions in the email you receive to complete your purchase.

 f. Once the purchase process is complete, you will receive a 16-digit serial code.

 g. Go to DLsite and go to My Page from ⑧ in the figure.

 h. Select "Input Serial Code" in the "Points" section of the menu bar on the left side.

 i. Copy and paste the serial code you just obtained and submit it. Then you will get the DL points.

(4) Support God Hand Mar.

 a. Please go to God Hand Mar page from the following URL.


 b. Click on the ⑨ in the figure and go to the list of plans.

 c. Select "Translation Plan" and choose "DL Point" as your payment method.

 d. After confirming the details, complete the application.

Your support is now complete.


 Ci-en operates in the same way as FANBOX, so there is only one plan. If you subscribe to this plan, you will be able to view both Fanart and Originalart.

 If you are a continuing supporter of Ci-en, you will be charged the amount of your support at the end of the month.For example, if you start support on the 25th, you will be paid on the 25th and collected immediately at the end of the month as well. Please be aware of this point.

 If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments.

 Thank you for your continued support.



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