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I had some of them translated as a trial, and processed them for publication. These are samples and are subject to change when they are actually published on Patreon. They are only samples.




You appear to have awoken Miss Nozaki...or rather I should say Eri.

I’m sure you’re not able to comprehend the situation, so allow me to explain. You have been bought by me. Since I didn’t go through the normal auctions you cost me a very high amount...

I’m getting off topic. Do you remember last year... when you tricked and auctioned off a girl? Her name was Kasumi Ono and she was your subordinate. I’m the one who bought Kasumi and reraised her into a baby and well she is simply the picture of adorableness. I am truly thankful to you for auctioning her off.

Well you see, in just 3 months it will be one year since she became my baby... her birthday in a way. I may have gotten a little overexcited with it being her first birthday and well I ended up telling her I would buy her “anything she wanted.” And do you know what she said she wanted? She said she wanted you. I know that truthfully members of the organization are supposed to be off limits... but I told her anything so there was no way I could say no. I was able to get special permission with the condition that I offer up a donation 10x that of your investment.

I'm going to try to keep the way dialogue is displayed in the text and illustrations as similar to FANBOX as possible.




Whoa - these are pretty high quality translations, are you the one translating these? I'm hella impressed


I was relieved to get a good evaluation. This was translated by a translation company.


Excellent quality with the translation company! Can’t wait to see you on Patreon!


Please wait a little while longer as we are gradually preparing for the event.


These look amazing I can't wait to see more!


Don't you risk increasing unauthorized reproduction by doing this? sorry to come with such topic but it seems risky to me


The reason I decided to post my translation on Patreon this time is because I learned one reason why people reprint without permission. "I can't read Japanese, but I can't translate it myself. So I'm going to reprint it without permission and have someone who understands Japanese translate it, or tell me what it's about." Knowing this, I felt that not translating is equivalent to accepting unauthorized reproduction. Of course, this is probably not the only reason to reprint without permission. There may be people who do it to satisfy their desire for approval, and there are also people who do it with the misguided good intention of wanting many people to know about my work. Others may do it for affiliate marketing. This is also a problem in Japan. Even if this is the case, this can be a solution to the problem of reprinting without permission because they cannot read. It may be a small step, but it is also a definite step.


If I post them on Patreon, the number of unauthorized reprints may increase. Because there will be more people who see it than now. But this doesn't mean that I condone unauthorized reproduction. By translating, I want to reduce the number of people who have been reprinting without permission because of a language problem. I want to reduce the people who were reprinting without permission with the wrong good intention of wanting many people to know by publishing on Patreon where more people will visit. I am thinking so. I hate unauthorized reproduction. I hate unauthorized reproduction, not because it hurts my profits, but because I feel bad for the people who are paying a fair price to enjoy it.