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An illustration that I posted on Fanbox is being reprinted without permission on a certain forum. I could have overlooked it if it had been a work that was open to the public, but it was an illustration that was posted only for supporters. I feel very unmotivated when people do this. I don't know what the person posting it is thinking when they reprint it without permission. Is it to satisfy their need for approval? Or to spread my name recognition? If you're doing it to satisfy your need for approval, please change your mind immediately. It's not just me, it's other authors as well. There are some authors who will stop drawing due to this act. If you're doing this to raise my profile, I appreciate the sentiment, but please don't do it. It is especially disrespectful not only to me but also to the people who actually support me and look at my illustrations when they are reprinted without permission. Image forums are very good. I've used them in the past. It's fun to be able to introduce and critique each other's illustrations and artists that you like. But please don't do anything that makes the author feel uncomfortable. All the authors have expressed their displeasure with unauthorized reproduction. Please understand my, and all creators', feelings. One last thing. I wish all diaper lovers a comfortable and enjoyable diaper life. Thanks for reading to the end.




I think it's probably worth pointing out that there usually isn't any harm meant in fan translations: they're simply that, people who appreciate your content making it available in their own language, both for themselves and others: while I understand that this must be frustrating, especially with fanbox exclusive content, there usually isn't harm meant to the artist, and most of the time the intent is so that other people, in this case English diaper fans, can have access to your work in a language they understand, as otherwise, they, much like myself, will be supporting an artist financially who's work they cannot read. I hope I do not sound rude giving this explanation, and I have and continue to be a supporter, but I feel it is worth saying something from the English perspective; after all, most of the content we consume from Japanese artists is fan translated, or it is at least in my case.


Thank you for your support. And I'm glad you gave me your valuable input. I could not have come up with that idea on my own. It's a problem that arises because we speak different languages. As for me, I want many people to enjoy my work. However, it is difficult to express my work in another language. That's why things like this are happening. I could probably translate it into other languages myself, but I don't have the ability to do that, and while I could use a machine translation service like google or deepL, I'd have to spend a lot of time checking for mistranslations in the full text. I have to spend a lot of time checking the translations, which leaves me with much less time for creative work.It's a very difficult question.


Having listened to your opinion this time, my dislike of being reprinted without permission on an image board has decreased considerably. Of course, unauthorized reproduction is not something to be happy about, but I now understand that there is no malicious intent. I will try my best to make my works enjoyable for everyone who sees them in the future. Of course, I can't do it right away, and it will take time. But I can't do nothing after hearing your opinion, so I'll try to solve this problem even if it takes a long time. I am still in my infancy, but please continue to support me.


Hi, If You provide texts in Your native language I can see to transscrips, since I know nore than one language myself. So You can spend more time on Your drawings.


I undertand your frustration. There unfortunately are people who do not want or can not pay for your fanbox, and rely on unauthorized reproductions. However, you can view the issue from another perspective. You are not losing income, since those people would be unwilling or incapable of paying in the first place. Unfortunately with digital content and distribution, unauthorized reproduction is almost impossible to stop. However, it can be minimized by making the legal alternative as easy as possible. Thankfully supporting you on fanbox is very easy already, and the price is affordable. I do not mean it is OK to do unauthorized reproduction, but I hope I could explain why it happens. I certainly hope it would not happen, but sadly we do not live in a perfect world. I hope I make sense to you. Thank for your hard work, and best wishes to you.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I am not expressing my displeasure with unauthorized reproduction because it reduces my income. It's because I feel bad for the people who are giving me legitimate support. I have received some comments about the reasons for reprinting without permission, and I have changed my mind a little. As you can see in the replies to other comments, I have learned that untranslated is the reason for unauthorized reproduction. Of course, that can never be a valid reason for unauthorized reproduction, but the fact is that the only way for people who don't understand Japanese to understand my work, and by extension, Japanese work, is to have it translated by someone who can translate it without permission.


I am planning to make a translated version to change the current situation. "This is because I want to eliminate at least one factor of unauthorized reprinting, "reprinting without permission in order to have a translation done. I do not think that unauthorized reproduction will disappear by it. Because there are people who have various ideas in the world. However, I want to do what I can do. That is what I am thinking.