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Well, I am forced to put this post, because this month the commissions are invading me hahaha. And the truth is that I don't have the physical time to be able to work on all of them.

I wish I could make a commission per day, but it's impossible.

Remember that between commission and commission I am making improvements to the Moni and Naitlyn models and extracting the rest from Honey Select.

So I make this post, so that you simply have a little patience, in the face of all the orders, which will all be arriving, and to be able to arrive on time for all of you. The truth is that I had never had a month with so much work. For what I will have to change in the future, the way of working, and what I can give of myself.

While I hope that today or tomorrow I can publish more things, because I am on fire to be able to deliver all the orders this month. You owe nothing from last month.

Also, once I feel ready to be able to do things properly in Blender, I will officially announce that I am definitely leaving Honey Select.

Good things will come soon, just a little patience. And as always, thank you all so much for supporting me and trusting me. Thanks to all of you I have grown a lot, but I still have a lot to learn.

Also, Halloween is coming up this month and I've already chosen Monique and Naitlyn's costumes. I think they will be fine! Will you be able to guess it? Hint, they're video game characters.

A greeting and many kisses for all my babies ♥


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Hi Ninfa, don't hesitate to take your time otherwise it will affect your work in my case I am patient and I think the others can wait a little bit, don't worry we support you to the fullest.


It’s okay ninfa. Please don’t rush yourself and take care of yourself. Thank you for caring so much about your fans and for always working so hard.


Take your time!


all good! quality comes first, thank you for being transparent about your work schedule. Maybe Monique is princess peach, and maybe Naitlyn is.... hmmm Samus? idk. just fun to guess


Monique is the most beautiful character of Ninfanocturna. true MILF loving towards the damned lucky ones who have to do with her. you can see that he always gives him what he deserves <3