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Hi everyone! This is a post to inform you about some changes related to the Tale of Tales Monthly themes. These changes will be applied from today and will only count when related to ToT suggestions, R-coin rewards and it's cooldown.

Tale of Tales will stop having any kind of cooldown, so even if it wins as a Monthly Theme, you can still suggest it for the polls and it can win before a year passes (which is the normal cooldown for Monthly Themes). This will also apply for supporters that want to buy a Tale of Tales month using their r-coins. Such bypass will not affect the cooldown for other bought monthly themes and Tale of Tales won't create cooldown either.

Example: This month we have the bought theme of Year of the Rabbit, which generates a 2 month cooldown. In May someone could buy another theme. But now with this new rule, someone could buy a ToT month inside that 2 months cooldown without affecting the original time created by Year of the Rabbit, making it possible to still buy another theme in May even if we have a ToT month between them two.

At the same time, from now on buying a Tale of Tales Monthly theme will be cheaper than buying other themes: it will cost 300 R-coins instead of the 400 that cost normally. This because you won't be getting the usual reward of requesting 3 characters related to the Monthly theme that I usually give when you buy one.

This will only apply when a chapter is currently ongoing. If the last chapter has been finished and I still haven't announced and published the cover for the new chapter, Tale of Tales won't be able to be suggested or bought.

Why? Well, I have many plans for the comic in mind, even up to chapter 4, but I don't want to take 4 years to complete the story. So I want to give the possibility to my supporters to help me work on the comic faster by making the theme easier to win more.

That's all, I hope you support Tale of Tales and enjoy it as much as me!



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