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今月もギリギリの更新になってしまいました。 まことに申し訳ございません。 今回の更新は ミクラレ、三玖初セックスシーンを描いた短編6Pになります。 7月はコロナを発症したりと体調もあまり良くなくかなり苦戦しましたがなんとか更新できてよかったです。 スタンダードプランで2Pまで プレミアムプラン以上で全ページ閲覧可能です。 石油王プランの方はおまけで全ページが一度に読めるpdfファイルもダウンロードが可能です。




I've just finished reading it, and what can I say? You outdone yourself! I'm so grateful that I've been able to see ypur art evolve so much and mastering the art of eroticism. The dialogue is entertaining and truly sells the dynamic between Teacher and Student. The way you write Miku feels very in character, she's just like I'd imagine her in such scenario and it makes your stories work wonderfully. Also, Sensei's confident/teasy attitude, his genuine desire for Miku and looking to make her feel heavenly pleasure is also appreciated, it feels like reading a forbidden story of cheating lovers, rather than a simple NTR that cares only about putting a girl in hot scenarios. Oh, and the art? Easily the best!! Yarizaki-sensei is the ideal Old Man to pair Miku with, fitting perfectly with her uncommon tastes (even if she doesn't want to admit it), and your Miku is simply and incredible mix between adorable and pure lust *chef kiss*. A Perfect Match! Truly, they are the Definitive Couple!!