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Hello, first of all I would like to say thank you all for your support, FANs and Followers alike.

A lot of people decided to start supporting me after I posted SOFMOD and I'm very grateful of that. Making manga has been a dream of mine ever since middle school, it feels unreal to have people read a book that I made with my own hands haha.

As some of you might know, I'm currently working on the 2nd volume of SOFMOD and it was planned to be released at Comifuro 17 this December. Unfortunately I caught a terrible illness early in November, making it impossible to finish before the event. And because of that I'll have to sadly delay the release of volume 2 for at least another month or two.

I'm sorry to everyone who were looking forward to volume 2, I'll make another update post in the future when I can confirm the release date. Once again thank you for your support everyone, it really means the world to me.

Btw here's a little peek of Volume 2, nothing wild yet, I'm saving those when It's almost done hehe.



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