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Hi everyone, Usually I try to create form somewhat of a story for each project I make, but I honestly don't have any for this one. It features 4 of my most favorite characters from Genshin (Lisa, Beidou, Ei and Yae) all getting some well deserved attention. Some even at the hands of their trusted friends/partners >:3. Especially Lisa and Yae were long overdue for some, given Lisa is easily my favorite Genshin gal!! It's by far the biggest one I have ever created. The most amount of Models and Props in a single project of mine, Laptop could barely handle this many items loaded at once XD I don't plan on doing such massive projects often, they are extremely time consuming. But are certainly fun to do every once in a while. You can find the link to the set in this post right here: https://hedgehog19.fanbox.cc/posts/5921675 Feedback is always appreciated. Hope you all like it and take care :D




Very nice indeed. The electro mommies look lovely getting tickled senseless. I love how Ningguang is taking the opportunity to tickle Beidou herself instead of relaying on the mechanical hands. Meanwhile Jean is content just watching Lisa with no small amounts of fake sympathy based on her smile lol Sara looks to have a mixture of "I can't believe I am betraying the shogun" and "As long is it's not me getting tickled" written all over her face xD And Yae is doing her absolute best to hold it in, but from the looks of it, Shinobu is just toying with her :P


Why didn't Sara get tickled? I think her feet must be ticklish. :-D


Ahaha, I could only do so many characters. Though I have some Sara content on my Pixiv page if you are interested :D