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Hello everyone! Thanks for your patience. This month I brought you another piece of FE Three Houses story. It's about the ending of The Church of Seiros, and also about abandoning the Faith of Goddess Sothis. Unfortunately, I couldn't finish the full story cuz I focused too much on Rhea's tits, and the over-complication of each image - just getting too ambitious. But the main story should be clear through the part one.



So part one told a story after the empire defeated the army of the Church of Seiros. Many members of the church army were captured or killed, and Archbishop Rhea was also captured, and soon sentenced to a public execution, together with her loyal kin Flayn. The execution was conducted by the leader of the underground people, Thales, who later told Fodlan the real history of the church, the crests, and humanity. The executioners were selected from both above and underground, symbolizing the peace and unification of both cultures. Hundreds of commoners were summoned to be told the truth about the world, and they will decide their own fate after witnessing the truth about the church.

The truth is simple. A dragon was executed in front of people's eyes, and it turned into a slim young girl who had the same hair color as the Archbishop. Her heart was cut open, and a crest stone with St.Cethleann. Then the people realized that they had been tricked by a dragon disguised as a sainted woman, and created a church in her own name to control the masses, and even had been at the top of the church under a fake name for a thousand years, teaching all to worship a false goddess...

The people were outraged. Rhea, however, was no longer concerned about it anymore. She had lost the Church's army and all the partners, friends, and supporters around her. What's more, when the Sword of the Creator was used to cut off Flayn's head, Rhea noticed the glowing crest stone in the center of the sword - it meant that Byleth was dead, and the crest stone contained in her heart had been taken out and used as a weapon ...... All the hopes were gone, Rhea had lost everything, and even Flayn's decapitation hadn't been much of a shock to her.

Raiya gave up completely, she decided to accept all punishments without resistance. But would merely killing her quiet the cries of the angry masses around her? Or could she at least offer the audience a little comfort with her gorgeous flesh in exchange for a little atonement before her death?

I guess the answer is a given.







Well, after this month's hard work, I feel like I need to change the format of the FE stories. It's dragging, and dragging is not my key strength. There are still many girls left in the Three Houses, and I plan to do them all. So after Rhea's story, I will not give each of them a "lore-accurate-meaningful-ending" like this one. But luckily they don't have such an extendable background like Byleth or Edelgard or Rhea anymore so I think I can make their deaths more exciting and creative.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this month's piece. PART 2 will be just an ending for this story I couldn't finish this month, so I'll post it next month once it's done to end Rhea's story. In perhaps about a week or 10 days.



2024-04 Rhea+Flayn part1






他の女の子も全て描いて頂けるということで、とても楽しみです! ヒルダ、イングリット、マリアンヌ、シャミア、コンスタンツェ... ああ、どの女の子も楽しみで本当に最高!!


awesome stuff, I really liked posing and accents that you placed in this work!


It's so unexpected even Flayn's dragon form is also so charming!



Esdese Osoroshi

hope you draw full set for Acheron, she's also Raiden Mei and i really love your Mei face-off works


no rush, but let's not forget any one ^o^


Really hoping for Shamir and Catherine next



Iras Cadmus







Gz! Maybe one of the BesTest piece of ur works like the way play alot before the head disconnected with the boy