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    urbanator (Patreon)
    Hey, got that Mei update in the 720/1080p folders. If you like, go have a gander!
    https://mega.nz/folder/HqATRZJR#5BsGFhJycQFX0eOiEMkpEQ - 1080p
    https://mega.nz/folder/jqYC1SpD#aXWvqlnS8fOmeKuCpBj5Lw - 720p 
    https://mega.nz/folder/aqRH2YyD#HOIFB2nDZmWb4WxC8xnasg - Art Folder
    Thanks for supporting!
    Published: 2022-05
    urbanator (Patreon)
    Hello! Check out the new wip in the animation folder(s) with Chun-Li! Thank you for your support! :)
    https://mega.nz/folder/2uQhnQLT#1XjPg8oLEYp2N28qCdraJg - 1080p
    https://mega.nz/folder/HnwTHS6D#vG6u7OBjpvmH7IEK_krW6Q - 720p
    https://mega.nz/folder/DuADUZAL#05t3167KO_1xYflf0F3PYw - Art Folder
    Published: 2024-02
    urbanator (Patreon)
    Hello, I have some Mega links for you, take a look at that Juri update! 
    Thank you for being patient and for continuing to support me!
    https://mega.nz/folder/O7Rn2ArL#7c7zkV6239olTR1LqRgx4Q - 1080p
    https://mega.nz/folder/Hq4TGRCb#YgvrMoNEFbYqJrSwig-rLQ - 720p
    https://mega.nz/folder/ayQVgQQY#ExCrAi2Mq9k-jgxReVMQhQ - Art Folder
    Published: 2023-01
    urbanator (Patreon)
    Hey hey, I got that finished Mei animation done. Go have a look in those animation folders! Thanks!
    https://mega.nz/folder/jvBAybzB#DVw2f_YGATroEkyG5p2FKQ - 720p
    https://mega.nz/folder/yn53jICL#NFlY4fqf57oDwt0JUFD69Q - Art Folder
    Published: 2022-06
    urbanator (Patreon)
    Hello! I threw another Juri sound update into the Mega folders, so go check it out! The next sound update won't be as quick as I'm gonna focus a lil more on Power Girl, but I'll try get another update for both of those when I can!
    https://mega.nz/folder/bvYgzTpB#Pwa3xe71U9ftUJbgTHmZhw - 1080p
    mega.nz/folder/K3wGSBzC#Ba-CMwjfOLJpSk9atjQbfQ - 720p
    mega.nz/folder/73xlSaLL#g-4V680rL5AKpkaw1HxDRg - Art Folder
    Published: 2023-02
    urbanator (Patreon)
    Hey there, I put another Juri Wip update in the 720p folder. I'm always making changes and updating these wip scenes in Vam, but do have a look at the vid if you want to see how it looks so far! 
    I'm actually holding off from sound editing this scene for now until I have more to work with. But I provided the voice lines just so you know what Juri is saying!
    https://mega.nz/folder/SrRGTb7Q#ChQ4w24IYtq1HQOBbl60-Q - 720p
    https://mega.nz/folder/Lv4zxIRT#jOOjVR0PoT2i0JD6cs9dbQ - 1080p
    https://mega.nz/folder/OuYWSbpZ#NiDNwT5Xtn-F-DT-4XVyzw - Arf Folder
    Published: 2022-10
    urbanator (Patreon)
    Hey, just a small update. I did a change to the Tina vids. Noticed there was an animation error near the start of the video. Since this is an update, though a very small one, just notifying y'all. I'll post the same links again for new folks while I'm at it!
    https://mega.nz/folder/PqwlGJxA#euMrjOah7QcCgSgfgFJFfA - 1080p
    https://mega.nz/folder/LuQniR6T#oFODskks_z4ruNQPEiwgYw - 720p
    https://mega.nz/folder/O6ZwERoS#8aCpCtirEGOCFF4tBNNNGQ - Art Folder
    Published: 2022-09
    urbanator (Patreon)
    Hey, thanks for your patience guys! Sorry for not having an update out sooner!
    Work on Juri is not a quick process but its going well! Check out the 720p folder for a wip video! Thanks for the continued support!
    https://mega.nz/folder/irAUGKDL#j-u5c9k_o-KoyVxE6bezog - 720p
    https://mega.nz/folder/DzIn2ZZD#dJYvOgKAXJCEALgP1ZibjA - 1080p
    https://mega.nz/folder/mzIlhKBD#Id_L7gIqmLQHT1Mf0Ot3tg - Art Folder
    Published: 2022-09
    urbanator (Patreon)
    Hello, thanks for supporting me! I have some links with a new Chun-Li wip in the animation folder(s)! Take a look! 
    https://mega.nz/folder/y7p1DKIT#1XjPg8oLEYp2N28qCdraJg - 1080p
    https://mega.nz/folder/72RylQpT#vG6u7OBjpvmH7IEK_krW6Q - 720p
    https://mega.nz/folder/j6omGIBR#05t3167KO_1xYflf0F3PYw - Art Folder
    Published: 2024-02
    urbanator (Patreon)
    Hey, just a quick update from that Mei project. Nothing earth shattering in length, just wanted to show some work! Have a look!
    https://mega.nz/folder/HqATRZJR#5BsGFhJycQFX0eOiEMkpEQ - 1080p
    https://mega.nz/folder/jqYC1SpD#aXWvqlnS8fOmeKuCpBj5Lw - 720p 
    https://mega.nz/folder/aqRH2YyD#HOIFB2nDZmWb4WxC8xnasg - Art Folder
    Published: 2022-05
    urbanator (Patreon)
    Hey! I haven't actually changed the folder links, but I'm sending the links out for any new supporters. Make sure to have a look at the wip in the animation folder(s) if you wanna see more work on Mei!
    https://mega.nz/folder/HqATRZJR#5BsGFhJycQFX0eOiEMkpEQ - 1080p
    https://mega.nz/folder/jqYC1SpD#aXWvqlnS8fOmeKuCpBj5Lw - 720p
    https://mega.nz/folder/aqRH2YyD#HOIFB2nDZmWb4WxC8xnasg - Art Folder
    Published: 2022-05
    Rebis (Patreon)
    Hello my dear Patrons!
    Thank you for your waiting.
    I'm sending you delayed monthly rewards... in this message 2021 September!
    [Hi-Rez JPGs collection]
    [JPG collections]
    In this month, I started drawing [Harem Academy],and really enjoy it, with my other projects! :D 
    I'll send you more monthly rewards (October) Soon!
    Thank you so much for your support!
    Published: 2021-11
    Rebis (Patreon)
    Hello my dear patrons!
    At last, I could finish English translated version of Alexis chapter, from [Hypnotized College Girls]!
    It has massive amount of arts of Alexis with English dialogue. I hope you enjoy it!
    I really appreciate your kind supports. Thanks to it, I could finish such a long & big translating project.
    After this, I'll proceed to "Final Chapter" of [Hypnotized College Girls].
    It must be most gorgeous harem chapter with happy ending.
    I can't wait to show you it... so I keep working on it!
    Thank you for your support~!
    Published: 2020-06
    urbanator (Patreon)
    Hello! I posted a new version of the Juri club scene to the animation folder(s)!
    It is complete now, but expect an alternate of it to come soon!
    https://mega.nz/folder/rnRHhZ6Y#vG6u7OBjpvmH7IEK_krW6Q - 720p
    https://mega.nz/folder/HqwRiZwS#1XjPg8oLEYp2N28qCdraJg - 1080p
    https://mega.nz/folder/OuonDSSY#05t3167KO_1xYflf0F3PYw - Art Folder
    Thanks for continuing to support me! 
    Published: 2023-03
    urbanator (Patreon)
    Hey guys, I got a new Power Girl Wip in the 720p folder. Go check it out, its taking some time to do, but I have some voice acting in it now. I think Aife's voice ssuits her really well!
    https://mega.nz/folder/LuQFGYQJ#Dv5kg2vOQnsyqgTlDrKFgA - 720p
    https://mega.nz/folder/7nARTCbK#qFV9bYTGxE5RsrNQvA1Jmw - 1080p
    https://mega.nz/folder/yrwgwDqA#iJIyY6Y39ZZuxIdCVxUNgg - Art Folder
    Thanks for supporting guys!
    Published: 2023-02
    Rebis (Patreon)
    Hello my Denizens of the Dungeon!
    I will send you the delayed Dec 2021 to Mar 2022 MONTHLY REWARDS FILES.
    Thank you for your support!
    [Hi-Rez JPGs collection]
    *DEC 2021
    *JAN 2022
    *FEB 2022
    *MAR 2022
    [JPG collections (Almost the same as posted. For your easy download)]
    *DEC 2021
    *JAN 2022
    *FEB 2022
    *MAR 2022
    Many of these files should have been sent much earlier than they should have been. Thank you for your patience, it is much appreciated.
    To streamline the process of sending Rewards, I have improved my use of Dropbox.
    I am sharing files with you on a folder-by-folder basis.
    You can still save your Rewards as a ZIP file by pressing the "Download" button.
    I would like to further streamline these Patreon-related tasks. 
    Thank you!
    Published: 2022-04
    urbanator (Patreon)
    Hey, just another lil Power Girl wip update in the 720p folder. I'll try and get updates out for you guys whenever I have something reasonably substantial!
    https://mega.nz/folder/H7R2FYbY#HaDHrHb2JRhEwjxmyctgmw - 720p
    https://mega.nz/folder/nqBX0JBS#TdkJJBvxFTJxqAKERok7Ww - 1080p
    https://mega.nz/folder/LzIxXZZD#LQz4WBhhggCEoniAxQfwiQ - Art Folder
    Published: 2023-03
    urbanator (Patreon)
    Hey! I posted a couple of alternates to the animation folder(s) for Juri. Specifically, the black pov alt and an edited down looped version for people who only want to see the action!
    And that's it for Juri... for now! Now... back to Power Girl! 
    https://mega.nz/folder/f3YWhYjb#vG6u7OBjpvmH7IEK_krW6Q - 720p 
    https://mega.nz/folder/jvQjAIAD#1XjPg8oLEYp2N28qCdraJg - 1080p
    https://mega.nz/folder/SvIBkaYI#05t3167KO_1xYflf0F3PYw - Art Folder
    Published: 2023-03
    Rebis (Patreon)
    Hello my dear Patrons!
    Now I send you monthly reward files from Oct. 2021! :D 
    [Hi-Rez JPGs collection]
    [JPG collections]
    In this month, at last I could finished the translation project of my 2B doujin comic!
    Also I could send you some pages from my main projects, like [Anime-Tamae!] and [Harem Academy]~!
    Thank you so much for your support!
    Published: 2021-11
    Rebis (Patreon)
    Hello my dear patrons!
    Here are my newest pinup, with Patron Exclusive variations! :D
    In this time I drew Pressyne, a mysterious partner of President Gaster in [Anime-Tamae!] world.
    I hope you like it~!
    Also I'll deliver you a new post, talking about this art more.
    Thank you for your support!
    Published: 2020-10
    Rebis (Patreon)
    Hello my dear patrons!
    I'm drawing a new fanart during my main projects as my hobby. So today I hope to show you some early variations from it!
    Today's heroine is... Tifa from FF7! :D
    I always wished to draw her if I have a chance.
    In this time, I tried to draw her face similar to 3D model in the game. How do you think about it?
    I'll draw few more variations to make very short CG story with her.
    Thank you for your support~!
    Published: 2020-07
    Rebis (Patreon)
    Hello my dear patrons!
    I've finished making variations & story for my latest Tifa fanart!
    Now it is a Micro-CG-collection of 12 pics, with English dialogue!
    I hope you like it~
    (Note that it is a NTR story with a nameless male protagonist and Tifa. You can avoid it if you like Cloud/Tifa couple)
    Thank you for your support!
    Published: 2020-07
    Rebis (Patreon)
    Hello my dear patrons!
    Today I've finished a new character design/Pinup for my comic "Anime-Tamae!"
    She is "Buffalo Bride", an African youkai waifu from Nigeria!
    Here are some patron exclusive variations :D
    Which is your favorite version? I hope you love her~!
    Thank you for your support!
    Published: 2020-07
    Rebis (Patreon)
    Hello my dear patrons!
    Today I hope to show you some of my newest works!
    "Masked Curvy Masochist Wives" is sub-genre of Japanese AV. And strangely I like it... 
    Though I remember my last arts themed on it was not so popular among my oversea fans, I got many reactions from my Japanese fans.
    So I always hoped to draw that theme more... and DID it again today! :D
    It is a standing art with some new idea and sample dialogues.
    The idea is drawing a secret club in a resort island, where you can cheat many celebrity wives wearing a mask.
    I drew Yurie, a Japanese ex-actress in this time... but if I can expand this idea, I hope to draw more celeb wives, like a blond white celeb wife and an ebony celeb wife, for example.
    How do you think about it?
    In addition, I made an English translated version of my "Masked Wife" short CG story I did in 2019.
    I wish some of you love it too!
    Thank you for your support in July.
    I keep drawing & creating more sexy works in coming August~!  
    Published: 2020-07
    urbanator (Patreon)
    Good morning! I have some links for you, check out the 720/1080p folder for that Tina wip! Remember - its very much unfinished. More of that to come soon!
    https://mega.nz/folder/fzImxbxD#ME7ueF5IClHr86fYtWrdhw - 1080p
    https://mega.nz/folder/Cn5wEIZC#yHryEvszb7bmyKtMmSbVYQ - 720p
    https://mega.nz/folder/zywjWb7a#oKQ9U8NMtJf2MeKsRnHzFg - Art Folder
    Published: 2022-07
    4750409 (Patreon)
    You need to comment on the  patreon post to count :) Peny is top choice. 
    Published: 2019-11
    Bad_Lavender (Patreon)
    Hello everyone. This isn't an easy announcement to make but after much deliberating and discussion, I've decided to remove a tier and update the others. Please read the latest "news" post for more details.
    Published: 2021-07
    chaotichelleaven (Patreon)
    The  newly Completed Giantess Lucoa Animation is now LIVE on the Animation tier of our patreon!  It's 2 mind and 26 seconds of giantess big booked dragongjrl awesome xD
    Plus when you sign up this month you'll be kicking in to the new android 18 Animation that's now in production! We can't wait to show that to you!  
    Join today and you can see over 50+ giantess animations plus tons of giantess live action clips AND the manga uncut!
    Plus new 3D animation is on the way that will be brought to the $20 tier at no extra cost!
    Published: 2024-04
    chaotichelleaven (Patreon)
    Now LIVE on the Animation TIER of our Pateron! 
    The 6 min long Justice Goddess Sergeant Mandy Anime Episode one with newly added parts!.
    That's right it's our 1st post ever that makes you feel like you are watching an anime!
    Don't forget to like and comment so we know you want to see things like this. 
    If you sign up, you will see that the last part has the latest contest winner, so we will be running that giveaway back in a few weeks! 
    Stay tuned!
    Thank you all for your support!
    Published: 2024-03
    chaotichelleaven (Patreon)
    Now LIVE on our PATREON!! 
    TWO NEW awesome pieces of GIANTESS content!
    1st is our giantess model, Luna!
    She's been featured in some of our patreon videos for a few months now, but she's even posing for future giantess animations!
    She's really getting into being a model, and you can see this months clip as well as her clips by just joining the $5 tier!
    BUT if you really want to see that AND support all our future animations, then feel free to join our ANIMATION TIER on our patreon! 
    Click here to join!
    As we speak, I'm already planning the next one for android 21! We plan on using more giantess models as well, but we want to make 21 a series for now, so when you sign up, put those requests in!
    Watch today's video to see all the Details!
    Thank you for all your support!
    Published: 2024-05
    zer0_3d (Patreon)
    Hey folks, sorry for the spam. Seems MEGA changed how their links work so now when I make a new link for a video (for example to make the B tier links) it then erases the previous link set up.
    So had to swap out how B tiers receive their links but should be all good now.
    The current password is     HerEth3realRoyalty
    Here's the link to the latest video,
    HER 1440p
    Content folder
    Published: 2023-10
    chaotichelleaven (Patreon)
    It's a new month! current and potential new patreons! 
    Here it is the Look at a 
    The Giantess Lucca Ilulu City STOMP Animation Part 2 To see all the Details!
    Trailer by fern_gts ! 
    Watch the video on YT!
     Or to see it TODAY completed and UNCUT sign up for our patreon today! Also! 
    Current schedule for the month
    OCT 11 - MONSTER HIGH giantess animation 
    OCT 20 - LUCOA & ILULU 3 giantess animation
    OCT 31 - VELMA & DAPHNE giantess animation
    With of course uncut Manga pages and an uncut Manga episode!
     Don't forget if you sign up for that $20 tier you have a chance to have your OC in a Mandy animation! Rika is doing the drawing on 10/16/23! So sign up today! ^^ 
    Published: 2023-10
    chaotichelleaven (Patreon)
    Now LIVE Giantess Velma and Daphne CRUSH The Mystery!
    Our longest animation yet is now LIVE on the Animation tier of our Patreon!
    We now have 43 giantess animations on the patreon!
    With more animations on the way!
    So along with the animations you get access to all the behind the scenes for the series including roughs, lineart, and completely uncut colored pages! Along with that you also get the giantess live action clip of the month and uncut episodes! 
    We hope to see you all again soon and thank you for your support!
    Published: 2023-11
    zer0_3d (Patreon)
    Hey folks,
    Thanks again for the patience with this project and I hope you'll all agree it was worth the wait ^^
    The current password is     HerEth3realRoyalty
    Here's the link to the latest video,
    HER 1440p
    Content folder
    Published: 2023-10
    chaotichelleaven (Patreon)
    The NEW Justice Goddess Sergeant Mandy Animation is NOW LIVE!
    Who will mandy.. crip...i mean QUESTION next!? The contest drawing will be THIS Monday by Chaoitc Idol Rika at 8pm! 
    Your OC has a chance to be in an animation just for signing up for that animation tier!
    Theres also a new Giantess Lucoa Animation being produced as we speak by fern...AND a giantess Queen Victoria animation!
    Plus all the uncut content with a NEW Giantsss Model Luna and Manya pages!
    So get HYPE ! and Sign up today!!
    Published: 2023-12
    chaotichelleaven (Patreon)
    Giantess Kim Possible vs Giantess Shego release date has been set!
    Release date is 1/19!
    That's right we are JUST 10 days away from an amazing new animation!
    Sign up or upgrade today to help bring it to life!
    Until then feel free to check out our 40+ animationns on the animation tier and all the uncut Manga!
    Plus the new Giantess Luna live action clip! Hope to see ya there!
    Published: 2024-01
    chaotichelleaven (Patreon)
    Now LIVE on our PATREON!
    The DIMINISH Queen herself Queen Victoria's 1st animation is HERE!
    Sign up for our animation tier to see it!
    Plus a new Giantess Luna Live action clip is up!
    Uncut New years episode!
    New manga pages on the way with Giantess Genshin girls in Chaotic Helleaven?!
    And coming in 2 weeks Giantess Kim Possible and Shigo battle it out!
    Sign up today or I shall DIMINISH all you DUST BUNNIES!!
    Published: 2024-01
    zer0_3d (Patreon)
    Fixed it :,)
    HER 1440P
    Published: 2023-10
    Will Ji (Patreon)
    Hi thanks for supporting me!
    Here's the link for the RPG demo.
    have a good day
    Published: 2022-09
    chaotichelleaven (Patreon)
    Hey there current and potential new patreons!
    Here it is the Look at a NEW Justice Goddess Sergeant Mandy #giantess Animation Trailer
    by fern_gts !
    Watch the video on YT!
    To see all the Details!
    Or to see it TODAY completed and UNCUT sign up for our patreon today!
    Also! On Sunday 9/3 The Giantess Lucoa & Ilulu City STOMP Animation Part 1 by FernGTS will be up!
    Trailer for that will be posted on the YT on Sunday at 5pm EST!
    There is ALSO a UNCUT EPIC Rika Helleaven POV pic that was just added on there as a bonus for all you pateron bugs out there!
    Don't forget if you sign up for that $20 tier you have a chance to have your OC in a Mandy animation! Rika is doing the drawing on 9/11/23!
    So sign up today! ^^
    Published: 2023-09
    chaotichelleaven (Patreon)
    Hey! We now have 30+ giantess Animations Including a new Justice Goddess Sergeant Mandy giantess clip and the Lucoa Animation is going to be posted in 5 days! So if you would like to join to see all the uncut animations, manga and all our future projects feel free to sign up!
    Thank you so much for being fans!
    Published: 2023-07
    chaotichelleaven (Patreon)
    Want to be part of the Justice Goddess Sergeant Mandy animations?
    Well, you're in luck!
    The next drawing is to have your OC in her next animation (Airing 4/1. )
    Is TODAY! At 8pm EST right here on our YT.
    Drawn by Rika herself! (Or chiibi) xD
    All you have to do is sign up for that animation tier on our pateron!
    Not only will you have access to over 50 giantess  animations, plus all our uncut giantess manga pages 
    (Over 800 pages!)
    You will get exclusive voice work of volumes 4 though 5 done by the Chaotic Helleaven staff! (Over 15 hours)
    So that's 100s of hours of content for only $20?!
    Ya. I know we are basically the netflix of the giantess world now, haha.
    So jump on in, and don't forget we got 2 new animations that you will help create this month that you also get access to!
    The Giantess Kim Possible vs. Shego Part 2 AND a new Lucoa Animation!
    So get hype and see you tonight!
    Published: 2024-03
    chaotichelleaven (Patreon)
    Today is the last day to be added to the Mandy drawing to have your OC in a animation with her! 
    Rika will be drawing the active members of the 20 dollar tier tomorrow at 8pm EST!
    Don't miss it! And if you haven't signed up, sign up today! ^^
    Stay tuned for more anime and manga fun! ^^
    Published: 2023-08
    CherryboyYT (Patreon)
    Ayyye! The Discord and Google Drive was updated with 15 new renders for Today 11/27/23 '-'=b Hope you enjoy!
    Published: 2023-11
    CherryboyYT (Patreon)
    Ayyye! The Discord and Google Drive was updated with 7 new renders for Today 11/16/23 '-'=b Hope you enjoy!
    Published: 2023-11
    Showing 151 - 200 of 15423
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